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Marilyn Manson quotes
“I dare you all to write one more thing that you won't say to my face.”
— Marilyn Manson
“If one more 'journalist' makes a cavalier statement about me and my band, I will personally or with my fans' help, greet them at their home and discover just how much they believe in their freedom of speech.”
— Marilyn Manson
“Sometimes you feel awkward being what you're best at, you feel like you have to be something new.”
— Marilyn Manson
“To admit you want to have a comeback means you have to admit you weren't what you were supposed to be. You dropped below your own standard.”
— Marilyn Manson
“My goal isn't to make money, it's to try and survive and make a point.”
— Marilyn Manson
“I went to one AA meeting and I got asked for an autograph.”
— Marilyn Manson
“Marriage changes everything.”
— Marilyn Manson
“They'll see it. And it doesn't matter if they don't. It's only Rock 'n' Roll. But I do intend to move more into the Mainstream. Marilyn Manson is just the First phase.”
— Marilyn Manson
“Things have become devalued to the point where people don't realize the repercussions, that they're devaluing themselves. It could end up bringing about chaos, a lawless situation.”
— Marilyn Manson
“When I finish a picture I don't show it to anyone if I feel it's not good enough yet. I've learnt to listen to my partners and my friends. For me it's the biggest success if they like it.”
— Marilyn Manson
“I fall in love very easily.”
— Marilyn Manson
“As a kid I just felt like an outsider.”
— Marilyn Manson
“The word 'Antichrist', to me, is the collective disbelief in god.”
— Marilyn Manson
“Are people raised to be villains or vilified like I have become?”
— Marilyn Manson
“As a kid I had buck teeth and braces and acne. I hated what I saw. I'm still not comfortable, but that's why I change and adapt the way I look.”
— Marilyn Manson
“Everything is acting.”
— Marilyn Manson
“I'm kind of shy, and I think that I take that out by performing in front of a lot of people. That's how I get out my shyness.”
— Marilyn Manson
“I'm my most creative between 3 and 5 a.m. That's the way I've always been.”
— Marilyn Manson
“If what you do is being threatened as a profession, that could be scary. But that's the same reason why I walked out on stage many times after receiving death threats. I couldn't live without doing what I wanted to do. So at the same time I have to be willing to die for it.”
— Marilyn Manson
“The person who thinks I worship the devil and kill animals is just as important as someone who makes an interpretation that's closer to what I intended.”
— Marilyn Manson
“The point is that life for me is not going to be the way it is for everyone else. I have a fog machine and movie lights in my bedroom.”
— Marilyn Manson
“There's a certain group of people who are always going to dislike me and disagree with whatever I say.”
— Marilyn Manson
“These people are artists. These people are musicians. They're taking it out and trying to express it that way.”
— Marilyn Manson
“Ultimately, because I'm an artist, I can't ever consider myself a nihilist, so I suppose I'm optimistic.”
— Marilyn Manson
“Art gives me the freedom I don't have when I make music.”
— Marilyn Manson
“I can't satisfy myself with just trying to tie all of my imagination into music, especially when music is not appreciated as an art form as much as it used to be.”
— Marilyn Manson
“I decided to make music again at a time when I couldn't have had more obstacles.”
— Marilyn Manson
“I used to have nightmares about the Antichrist - what would happen, where it would come from, and who it would be.”
— Marilyn Manson
“I'm not going to be some kind of PC, tree-hugger.”
— Marilyn Manson
“I've started to think that maybe I wouldn't mind passing my demented genius on to some small thing who can set fire and breathe profanity.”
— Marilyn Manson