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William Somerset Maugham quotes
“Old age has its pleasures, which, though different, are not less than the pleasures of youth.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Money is the string with which a sardonic destiny directs the motions of its puppets.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“If you want to eat well in England, eat three breakfasts.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“I'll give you my opinion of the human race in a nutshell... their heart's in the right place, but their head is a thoroughly inefficient organ.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Have common sense and stick to the point.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Tolerance is another word for indifference.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Perfection is a trifle dull. It is not the least of life's ironies that this, which we all aim at, is better not quite achieved.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“The artist produces for the liberation of his soul. It is his nature to create as it is the nature of water to run down the hill.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“There are two good things in life - freedom of thought and freedom of action.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Impropriety is the soul of wit.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“I made up my mind long ago that life was too short to do anything for myself that I could pay others to do for me.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing one's mind.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“The great American novel has not only already been written, it has already been rejected.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“We know our friends by their defects rather than by their merits.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“No egoism is so insufferable as that of the Christian with regard to his soul.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“You can do anything in this world if you are prepared to take the consequences.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Old age is ready to undertake tasks that youth shirked because they would take too long.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Sentimentality is the only sentiment that rubs you the wrong way.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Tradition is a guide and not a jailer.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“We learn resignation not by our own suffering, but by the suffering of others.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“When you are young you take the kindness people show you as your right.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“The trouble with young writers is that they are all in their sixties.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“You know what the critics are. If you tell the truth they only say you're cynical and it does an author no good to get a reputation for cynicism.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Few misfortunes can befall a boy which bring worse consequence than to have a really affectionate mother.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“Habits in writing as in life are only useful if they are broken as soon as they cease to be advantageous.”
— William Somerset Maugham
“In Hollywood, the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally.”
— William Somerset Maugham