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Plato quotes
“Hardly any human being is capable of pursuing two professions or two arts rightly.”
— Plato
“He who steals a little steals with the same wish as he who steals much, but with less power.”
— Plato
“Our object in the construction of the state is the greatest happiness of the whole, and not that of any one class.”
— Plato
“The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men.”
— Plato
“Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.”
— Plato
“Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.”
— Plato
“Man - a being in search of meaning.”
— Plato
“The curse of me and my nation is that we always think things can be bettered by immediate action of some sort, any sort rather than no sort.”
— Plato
“Science is nothing but perception.”
— Plato
“When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them.”
— Plato
“The most important part of education is proper training in the nursery.”
— Plato
“Ignorance of all things is an evil neither terrible nor excessive, nor yet the greatest of all; but great cleverness and much learning, if they be accompanied by a bad training, are a much greater misfortune.”
— Plato
“There are three classes of men; lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, and lovers of gain.”
— Plato
“When the mind is thinking it is talking to itself.”
— Plato
“I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning. ”
— Plato
“Wisdom alone is the science of other sciences. ”
— Plato
“Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous.”
— Plato
“If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life.”
— Plato
“We do not learn; and what we call learning is only a process of recollection.”
— Plato
“It is a common saying, and in everybody's mouth, that life is but a sojourn.”
— Plato
“Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.”
— Plato
“Poets utter great and wise things which they do not themselves understand.”
— Plato
“I shall assume that your silence gives consent.”
— Plato
“There's a victory, and defeat; the first and best of victories, the lowest and worst of defeats which each man gains or sustains at the hands not of another, but of himself.”
— Plato
“To prefer evil to good is not in human nature; and when a man is compelled to choose one of two evils, no one will choose the greater when he might have the less.”
— Plato
“For good nurture and education implant good constitutions.”
— Plato
“The eyes of the soul of the multitudes are unable to endure the vision of the divine.”
— Plato
“Knowledge is true opinion.”
— Plato
“No law or ordinance is mightier than understanding.”
— Plato
“I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the combat of life, and greater than every other earthly conflict.”
— Plato